Monday, February 2, 2009

Argentina. Two.

Two weeks in Argentina wasn't enough for us to explore the whole country, but we had a totally fantabulous time while we were there! We visited four regions and learned a whole lot about the people, the landscape, the culture, and most importantly, the food!

We started off by staying a few nights in Buenos Aires, the capital. Huge is an understatement for how big this city is, but we were able to go explore a few of the different neighborhoods.
From Argentina

We started off in Palermo Soho, a district full of boutique shops filled with the latest designer's clothes.
From Argentina

They love their color here.
From Argentina

And I love graffiti art.
From Argentina

Our first order of business (after a long nap) was to do as the locals and go get some coffee with liquor in it. I love how things don't get started in this city until after 5pm, even on a Sunday. When we first arrived in BA, our neighborhood was completely dead. After our siesta, which everyone else seemed to have had as well, everything was alive and jumping.
From Argentina

From Argentina

One thing Argentines have in common with Americans is that they love their dogs. I couldn't resist this little booger.
From Argentina

Back at our boutique hotel's rooftop during sunset. We drank some vino and ate some empanadas.
From Argentina

I had to take a picture of our hotel key since we don't see keys like this back home. Amazingly, that's how all their keys look like in Argentina, old school. I like.
From Argentina

You can't come to Argentina and not eat their beef. These people are known for having the highest consumption of beef of any nation. I'm not usually a steak gal, but I've never eaten so much lomo in my life and loved it! If you're ever at an Argentine restaurant, I highly suggest the lomo. And I like mine, muy jugoso!
From Argentina

Later that night, we went out with some friends, met some new Argentine friends, and stayed up till some crazy time in the morning that we haven't seen in ages. But it's all normal in Argentina. Gotta love this country!

Day 2.

We went & explored San Telmo with a couple of friends, one who's an Argentine native so I got to practicar mi espanol at times. I have to say my spanish has improved tenfold since I first step foot in that country. I've had to dig up words buried in the depths of my mind sometimes in order to communicate with some of the natives. =)
From Argentina

So, we have the White House. They have the Pink House. This is where Argentina's president, Christina Kirchner, works. Yes, they have a female president. How awesome is that?
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From Argentina

From Argentina

From Argentina

From Argentina

From Argentina

The white scarves painted on the ground here represents the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, where we stopped at. This is an incredible group of mothers who fought to reunite with their children who had been abducted by the government during the Dirty War (1976-1983). Every Thursday afternoon, they gather at the plaza and walk for half an hour to let their cause be known. (The Argentine government had declared about 11,000 missing, but the Mothers deem the number to be closer to 30,000.) After these sobering facts, we had to go sit down somewhere.

The Tango. I had no idea that it originated in Argentina. Lucky for us that day, when we sat down at the park, there was a couple dancing the tango. It's the most sensual, romantic dance I've ever seen. I loved it so much, we went to get tango lessons later on that day!
From Argentina

Good times at the park with friends. Patricia, at the end there, is a local and knows how to dance the tango very, very well.
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Me, on the other hand. I just smile nice. =)
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Yup, I wasn't kidding! We did take a class, but there was no photos or videotaping allowed, so this is our final product. I have to say, Drew did a much better job remembering the steps than I did!
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Day 3.

Drew & I went exploring on our own that day and did a so-so job of it. We went to the hood with a cemetery where Eva Peron was buried & didn't even know it! Oh well. At least Drew got to fulfill his Rocky dreams.
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From Argentina

From Argentina

Che Guevara. Great man. Argentinian native. Learned something new that day!
From Argentina

Dinner later that night. It was an early dinner since we had a show to catch. Otherwise, we dined like the locals at about 10 or 11pm. Have I mentioned how much I love this culture?
From Argentina

I think I'll end today with a little video of our first stop at a cafe in the Palermo district. Somewhere in the middle of the video, Drew had asked me to find some hot women with the camera. I did the best I could. =)

Next stop is Iguazu Falls. INCREDIBLE!!!!!


Daisy Varley said...

AWESOME! It sounds like you had the time of your life! You and Drew are so freakin' cute trying to tango :) Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! May I ask what kind of lens you used for these pictures??

Lynn Dao Photography said...

Thanx Dazeee!!!

Hey Gervase,

I use the 17-55 and for those really wide shots, the 10-20mm. Hope that helps! =)