Monday, August 10, 2009


I'm still here! Alive and well. Just been super busy packing, moving, and unpacking. Throw in a boudoir party a few days ago and that's the reason why I haven't had time to blog. But Drew & I are all settled in our happy new home in Tempe and we love it! Just went for a warm bike ride this evening by the water and the lights were lit up on Mill Ave. bridge while the sky was a blazing red orange. Just beautiful.

One of these days I'll lug my camera and tripod out there so I can share the joy with you all. I've also got to post up some pictures of our new place so you can all share the gorgeous view of the lake with me. =)

But for now, just an image that can hopefully bring you some peace, tranquility, and a little smile to your face.

With love...L

