Thursday, June 21, 2012

My little sister GRADUATED college!!!

What can I say? I am SO proud of my baby sis, Michelle for graduating in four years from UC Davis with a bachelors in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior. Yes, that's all one degree. I remember how hard it was taking all these science classes at Davis (my God, over a decade ago!) and I give her so much credit for doing so well and finishing in four years.

Not to be outdone, her boyfriend, Scott graduated with honors at the top of his class with a degree in Computer Science Engineering. I've seen and heard about them both studying so hard throughout their undergrad years and it's great to finally be able to celebrate their accomplishments with them.

Davis has changed a LOT since I left it. Downtown is full of unique shops and restaurants. There's a Trader Joe's in town now. Whole Foods is opening up soon. It's a charming, small college town with lots of character. Man, it used to be such a cowtown when I went there. The biggest thing Davis was known for back then was cowtipping! Now it's ranked #38 in US News & World Report.

Anyways, I'm glad to see my alma mater flourishing and even happier to see Michelle and Scott graduating. Here are a few images of two of my favorite people in the whole world around the UCD campus.

Excited seniors ready to graduate!!! (In the background, the beautiful Robert Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts)

The famous UC Davis water tower in the palm of their hands. (What? You've NEVER heard of the UCD water tower?!!)



The future's so bright...

Stargazing with one of UCD's eggheads named Stargazer.

She's so beautiful. (I'm not biased.)

The hi-five outtakes...there were several, but I narrowed it down to two. One good, and one that looks like Michelle is getting smacked upside the head. Guess which one is my favorite?


After her Friday morning graduation with our proud & happy parents.

Congratulations Michelle!!!! We're all so proud of you!


Chona said...

Congratulations Michelle and Scott!!! What a HUGE accomplishment together. May your road to success continues to be paved with love, support from each other, family and friends, and FUN! :) And Lynn- as always, AWESSSSSSSSSSSSOME pics hon!!!
