Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Drive to Arizona

It was a long, hot drive to Chandler, AZ this past Tuesday. We packed our Uhaul to the brim (seriously, that 10 foot truck was bulging!) and put the two kitties into their crates. Apparently cats aren't fans of traveling because they made some wacky noises I had never heard before. Something along the lines of "wweeooaaargh!"

Since there was little room in the front of the truck, I could only carry my little compact with me to snap away. Here's what I got:

The first sign that we have left California and entered Arizona:

The 8 like you've probably never seen it before. Where is everybody?

A couple of not so happy kitties. Tovi was the most freaked out - what a scaredy cat!

Bella: Don't look at me. Don't talk to me.

One of my favorite things to stare at is clouds. Especially the ones of the cotton ball variety. (My 3rd grade teacher would be so sad that I don't remember my cloud types.)

I was so excited when I saw this neverending train. And how lucky was I that every single crate was red? It looked so awesome!

We didn't get there till after sunset. Drew would like me to mention how courageously he handled the drive with the 10 foot truck towing our car. :D

I'm in the Bay Area for the week for a friend's wedding. Good thing because my skin was burning off the past few days while running errands in Phoenix! Will try to post more later on this week!


Susie Linquist said...

These are gorgeous, and your cats are so cute! Lucy ( my cat ) makes a similar sounds every time I put her in the's painful to the ears!

Gretchen Edwards said...

yay for moving to AZ! We are happy to have you here! I totally agree about the cloud thing. I can never remember.
